In this lab you will be creating methods with array
- Set up a new eclipse project for each lab (detailed instructions)
- Copy the files and into your project folder.
The first task will be to revise the code
to have a method named arrayAverage that computes
the average of an array of integers and returns it to the
calling program. When you are finished the main method will
look like :
// list of incomes in thousands
int[] income = {2,10, 532, 4, 53, 28, 291, 38, 6, 17, 73, 21};
int average = arrayAverage(income);
System.out.println("Average of income array : " + average);
As you can see in the call to arrayAverage, it
takes a single parameter which is a one dimensional array
and returns an integer value.
Copy your finished program and its output into your solutions
We are going to continue improving the WordMorph program. Start with
It's main() method has grown too large which makes it harder to
understand. It currently contains this code that checks if a word is in
the dictionary:
for (int j = 0; j < dictionary.length; j++) {
if (word.equals(dictionary[j]))
foundIt = true;
if (!foundIt) {
System.out.println("\"" + word + "\" is not a valid word. Exiting.");
We could just put all of that into a method, but there are
really two parts to this code.
- Checking if the word is in the dictionary array
- Acting upon that and either printing a message and exiting, or continuing on
A good rule for method design is to make methods that do just 1 simple to understand task. You are going to make a method to check if a word is in an array.
You will find the location to write Exercise 2 after the end of the
main() method. You are writing a method with parameters that are: a
word and and some array of Strings. This method does not need to know
that it is the dictionary being passed in. It just searches the array
for the word and returns true if the word is in the array and false if
it is not. Base your method on the code above but note that it is
searching "array" rather than "dictionary", and that it is not printing
an error message or exiting. It is just searching the array and
returning if the word is found in the array. It performs one simple to understand
task: "is this word in this array?"
public static boolean isInArray(String word, String[] array) {
return ______;
You won't be able to test this until the next exercise when we use your new method.
Paste your method into your solutions document. If you find on the
next exercise that it doesn't work, come back here and fix it and copy
your fixed version to your solutions document.
Now that we have that method, the block of code from the main()
method that was shown at the start of Exercise 2, can be greatly
simplified by using our new method. Use this code instead. And just use
your isInArray(...) method to test if the word is in the dictionary.
if (_____use your method_____) {
System.out.println("\"" + word + "\" is not a valid word. Exiting.");
Test it, and then copy to your solutions document your code for
Exercise 3 and the results from an execution with several valid words
and then an invalid word.
That turned out to be a great method because we can also use
it for checking the history array. Use your isInArray(...)
method to simplify the history checking code:
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (word.equals(history[j])) {
System.out.println("You used that word already. Exiting.");
In the original code we only checked the part of the array
that had entries in it. Your isInArray(...) however
checks the whole array. This probably doesn't matter. The
unfilled array slots were initialized with null
values and string.equals(null) will still work.
However if you did the comparison in the reverse order than
I expected, you will get a NullPointerException when it
tries to evaluate null.equals(string). Fix that if you need to
Test it, and then copy to your solutions document your code for Exercise 4 and the results from an execution with several valid words and then a repeated word.
At the end of your program, add a method to count the
number of non-matching characters between two words. For example "fox" and "box" have 1 non-matching letter.
public static int countNonMatchingLetters(String s1, String s2) {
You can't test this until Exercise 6.
Copy your Exercise 5 code to your solutions document.
Finally lets make our game more friendly by allowing the user to
ask for a hint.
At the end of your program, complete this skeleton code to write a method to print hints. Use your countNonMatchingLetters(...) method to check each word in the dictionary and print all those that differ by 1 letter.
public static void printHints(String word, String[] dictionary) {
___ loop through the dictionary ___
___ check if word is only one letter different than dictionary word ___
___ print the word followed by a space ___
Copy your Exercise 6 code to your solutions document.
For your report, capture a run of your program where you
ask for a hint at least once, and you make it to all 10
Our hints went a bit overboard by showing them every
possible choice for the next word. Modify your printHints()
method to show them only 3 of the possible hint words,
chosen randomly.
Save your solutions document and submit it.