
In this lab you will write programs using arrays.


Exercise 1: (2 points) Display values above the average

Add code to the Inequality.java program to display all numbers above the average.

Paste your program and the output from the Console into your solutions document.

Exercise 2: (2 points) Count the number of values above the average

Modify your program from above to also count the number of values above the average and display that as well.

Copy your program and the output from the Console into your solutions document.

Exercise 3: (1 point) Pick a random starting word 

One of the flaws with our earlier word morph program was that it could not check if words were valid. Here is a new starting version of WordMorph. At the start of this version I have added a big array of 3 letter words that we will use as a dictionary. (I also took out our earlier input validation just to keep it a little simpler for these new exercises.)

        // list of all 3 letter words in the dictionary
        String[] dictionary = {   

The drawback of a big array initializer like this is that it takes up a lot of space in the program code. A better option would be too store the dictionary in a file and then read the words from the file. We will learn about files in Chapter 7.

Replace the old code for getting the starting word with code to get a random word from the dictionary array.

        // Exercise 3: pick a random starting word, use rand to get a random array index
        Random rand = new Random();
        String word = __________________________________________       

Copy just the code that you added into your solutions document.

Exercise 4: (2 points) Check that the new word is valid

For Exercise 4 each time a new word is created, you are going to verify that it is in the dictionary. Loop through the entire dictionary array and compare the new word to every dictionary word. If you find a match, set the boolean variable foundIt to true. After the loop has finished, if foundIt still has not been set, then the word is not in the dictionary. Remember that you need to use string1.equals(string2) to compare strings.

            // Exercise 4: check if word is in the dictionary
            boolean foundIt = false;
            for (____________________________) {
                if (____________________________) {
                    foundIt = true;
            if (!foundIt) {
                System.out.println("\"" + word + "\" is not a valid word. Exiting.");

Test it out and make sure it works. If you have trouble, try using the debugger and step though your program to watch what happens. When debugging programs like this with keyboard input, sometimes the debugger is waiting for your next debugger command, like step over, but sometimes the program is waiting for you to type something into the console window. When the debugger is waiting, it will always show the next line to be executed in green, but when the program is waiting for console input, no line will be highlighted in green.

Once you find a match, there is really no point in searching the rest of the array. If you want to make it faster, you could use a break statement to break out of the loop after you find a match., If you continue in Computer Science, in COS 161 you will learn a very clever searching algorithm called Binary Search that can search a sorted array while looking at very few words, and in COS 285 you will learn about fancier data structures than arrays, one of which is a hash table that can usually find a match as the very first word that is checked! 

In your solutions document include just the code that you added along with an example execution where you make a few valid words before making a mistake.

Exercise 5: (1 point) Check for repeated words 

Another flaw in our original word morph program is that the user could repeat words: yip, yap, yip, yap ... 

To solve this problem you are going to add a history array to keep track of all the previous words. history[0] will hold the initial word, history[1] the first changed word, ect.

Declare the array and store the starting word at index 0,

        // Exercise 5a: make an array to hold the history of 11 words (0-10)

        // Exercise 5b: store the starting word at index 0 in the history array

If you want to do a good job of incremental development, you can use the debugger to check the code that you just wrote. In the variables panel you can expand (>) the history array and you should see that it has 11 slots numbered 0-10 and that slot 0 contains the starting word.

Copy just the code that you added into your solutions document.

Exercise 6: (1 point) Add the new word to the history array

Add the new word to the history array.

            // Exercise 6: add the new word to the history

I again suggest that you verify that it is working using the debugger.

Copy just the code that you added into your solutions document.

Exercise 7: (1 point) Search the history array for a repeated word

Now search the history array to check if the new word is a repeat. Note you only need to search the filled in part of the history array.

            // Exercise 7: check if the new word already appeared in history
            for (_____________________) {
                if (_____________________) {
                    System.out.println("You used that word already. Exiting.");

Test it.

In your solutions document include just the code that you added along with an example execution where you make a few valid words before making a repeat.


Save your solutions document and submit it.