
In this lab you will be using methods to provide better organization and clarity to your code. Methods can improve program readability, reduce code redundancy, and modularize program development.  


In this lab, each exercise will be making modifications to the starting program. You may want to keep separate versions of the program for each completed exercise. After you complete each exercise, close the editor tab and then in the package explorer select and then copy and paste the program (Windows: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V  Macs Cmd-C Cmd-V). Eclipse will let you choose a new name for the copy.

Exercise 1: (2 points) A method to display the introductory message

Run the MinOfThreeInts code and try different types of input (characters, doubles, etc) when asked for an integer. Notice how the program is more robust than our normal programs that will crash when non-integer data is typed in at the keyboard when an integer is expected. Also notice how long the main routine is. Almost 100 lines! With so much code, it is hard to understand what is going on in the program. 

Your first task is to put the introductory message code (the five println statements and the preceding comment into a method called intro(). Remove the five println statements from the main routine and replace them with a call to your intro() method.

Your intro() method is an example of a method with no parameters and no return values.

Paste your intro() method into your solutions document.  No output is required.

Exercise 2: (2 points) A method to read in integers

The main routine contains a large number of lines to read in integers and do basic error handling. Users never do what you want them to do! Much of the code is repetitious as the same thing is done for each of the three integers. 

Your second task is to create a method called readInt(...) that asks the user for an integer and continually prompts them until a proper integer is entered. When a good integer is obtained from the user, the method should return that value. Your readInt(...) should have a single parameter for the Scanner to be used.

Once the method is written, eliminate the code to read in integers from the main routine. All that code will be replaced with just the following 3 lines in main :

      value1 = readInt(scnr);
      value2 = readInt(scnr);
      value3 = readInt(scnr);

 Copy your readInt() method into your solutions document.

Exercise 3: (3 points) A better method to read in integers

The program can be confusing because the prompt "Please enter an integer value " is always the same. Revise your readInt(...) method by adding a second String argument that is the String used for the prompt.

Change the calls in main() to:

      value1 = readInt(scnr, "Please enter the 1st value ");
      value2 = readInt(scnr, "Please enter the 2nd value ");
      value3 = readInt(scnr, "Please enter the 3rd value ");

 Copy your readInt() method into your solutions, document.

Exercise 4: (3 points) A method to calculate the minimum

The main routine is now much less cluttered and easier to understand. We finish the job in this last exercise.

Create a method called minOfThreeInts() that takes three integer parameters and returns the minimum value of those parameters.

Once the method is written, eliminate the code to determine the minimum from main. That code will be replaced with the following line :

        min = minOfThreeInts(value1,value2,value3);

Copy your minOfThreeInts(...) and main() methods into your solutions document.


Save your solutions document and submit it.