Learning to use Eclipse to write and run your first
For each assignment you will write a Java program and test it. Start your programs with a comment block such as:
NAME: <your name>
COS 160, Fall 2021, Prof. xxxxx, <Class day
& time>
Program #1
File Name: Face.java
Your programs should be neatly formatted, and follow the
indenting, formatting, spacing and commenting practices
taught in class.
You should hand in printed copies of both your program and
its output. We suggest that you just copy and paste each
part of the assignment into a single document in a word
processor. Within Eclipse you can highlight and copy code
from the code panel, and you can copy the output from the
Console tab.
Read each assignment carefully to see what is required. If
you do not understand something in the assignment, ask a
tutor or the instructor. You will get partial credit if you
finish only part of an assignment or it isn't working
correctly. Turn it in and explain what you completed and
what issues it has. It is usually better to turn in an
imperfect assignment on the due date, rather than falling
behind in the course.
We want to encourage you to have fun in this class. Write a
second program that makes a face of your own design. It
should be something unique that you design. We suggest
starting with some graph paper and thinking about the
characters that are available and what you can do with them.
Turn in your program(s) and their output(s). When you cut
and paste your code or output into a word processor it may
look distorted if it uses a non fixed width font. If
that happens, select your pasted text and change the font
into a fixed width font such as Courier. It is your
responsibility to make your code and output neat and