Working with loops and arrays.
To encourage incremental development, we are requiring that
in your solutions document you show your results for each
If you flip a coin repeatedly, occasionally you will get long runs of the same side. If you do enough flips, you will find some very long runs. You are going to perform a simulation and analyze the results. When your program is finished it will produce a result similar to this:
How many flips? 50
[run length] = frequency (percent)
[1] = 9 (45.0%)
[2] = 3 (15.0%)
[3] = 5 (25.0%)
[4] = 0 (0.0%)
[5] = 3 (15.0%)
To begin, write the code to ask the user how
many flips to perform, and then use Random to get that
many random values. In my code I
used the line: int
coin = rand.nextInt(2);
Print either H or T for each (Heads or Tails). This is the
first three lines of the output shown above except that
you don't yet need to print the spaces between runs or the
... on the end.
In your
solutions document show your output.
Now add code to print a space between each run as
shown in the example. To do this, you will need to keep
track of the previous coin flip to test if the previous
run has ended. In my code I used the
variable: prevCoin.
Think about the end cases: there should not be a space
before the first flip nor should there be one after the
last flip. Print "..." at the end to indicate that the the
last run was not actually completed.
In your
solutions document show your output.
Next add code to count the run lengths and print the
run length values immediately following each run as shown
below. Note that the last incomplete run does not have a
length printed. (Later we will remove the printing, but
for now it will allow us to check our results.)
In your solutions document show your output.
Make an array (size 10 for now) and count how many times each run length occurs. (You won't be using index 0 in this array, just indices 1 to 9.)
Also calculate the total number of runs. You will need this to calculate the percentages of each run length.
Finally print a table similar to the example above, except print all indices 1 to 9.
In your solutions document show your output.
Calculate the index of the last non-zero value in your array, and then modify your table printing to only print up to that point (as in the example).
Run this a bunch of times and make sure everything is
In your solutions document show 1 example output.
Now that it all works correctly, you are going to do
a really big test of 1 billion coin flips.
First modify the printing to get rid of the run
length printing, and to only print the first 50 flips and
their separating spaces. It should now look like the
example at the top even when there are more then 50 flips.
You will also need a larger array because in a
billion flips there will be some large runs. Try to guess
how long the largest run will be, and make your array a
little larger than what you think you will need. If you
guess too small, you will get an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. If you guess too large,
you will just waste a little memory.
This took my computer about 10 seconds to run. If yours is a lot slower, look for inefficiencies in your code such as some printing that continued after 50 flips.
Do you notice anything interesting about the run
length percentages?
In your solutions document show your output and your final code.
Turn in your output for each of the 6 parts and your final code.