Creating methods with parameters.
This drawing of 4 square tiles:
was created with this code:
public class TileStart {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel(310,190);
Graphics2D g = panel.getGraphics();
verticalTile(g, 10,10, 50); // small
verticalTile(g, 70,10, 50); // small
verticalTile(g, 10,70, 110); // medium
verticalTile(g, 130,10, 170); // large
// draw a tile with 5 vertical stripes (regions)
// with upper left corner at (x,y) of size by size pixels
public static void verticalTile(Graphics2D g, int x, int y, int size) {
// draw border rectangle
g.drawRect(x, y, size, size);
// draw 4 vertical lines at 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5 the width
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
int dx = size * i/5; // delta x is the offset from the left edge
// line from top point (x+dx,y) to the bottom point (x+dx,y+size)
g.drawLine(x+dx, y, x+dx, y+size);
Study the
code and make sure you understand it. It has a method
verticleTile(...) that draws a tile with 5 vertical regions.
It has a main(...) method that calls the tile drawing method
4 times (two small tiles, a medium sized tile, and a large
tile). I left a gap of 10 pixels between the tiles and
around the sides to represent the grout lines as if you were
tiling a wall.
Cut and
paste this code into Eclipse along with the DrawingPanel and
run it. This will be the starting code for your program. You
are going to create two more tile methods and then draw a
design using your methods.
Create another method to draw one of these example tiles:
Choose an
appropriate method name. Whichever pattern you choose, it
should have the same 4 parameters: the graphics object (g)
for the drawing panel, the x and y
coordinates of the upper left corner, and the size
of the tile in pixels.
Two important mathematical ideas are:
Reference point: The
series of objects are all drawn relative to a certain
edge, corner, or the center. For the vertical tile example
above, the lines were drawn relative to the left edge.
Scaling: As you loop
though drawing the parts of your tile, their sizes (or
offsets) will be scaled fractions of the size. For the
vertical tile the vertical lines were drawn at offsets:
1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5 of the size.
Write your tile drawing
method, and then modify the starting code to call your
tile instead of the vertical tile.
Turn in your tile method
code and a screenshot of the drawing panel.
Next create another tile method to draw a tile from this set:
These are a little trickier than the previous set.
For some I used the Graphics2D drawArc(...) or
drawPolygon(...) methods (see the Java Graphics API documentation at
Again test your method using the starting code, and turn in your new tile method code and a screenshot of the drawing panel.
Using loops, draw a design that completely fills a drawing panel with non-overlapping tiles.
Be creative! Use at least 50 tiles. A mix of both of your tiles from above, plus create more tile designs if you want.
Fill the regions between the lines with colors. Each tile
should use at least two colors and make the tile design
stand out. You may want to add extra parameters to your
methods to specify the colors.
Hint: To avoid partially obscuring the black lines, first
fill all of the colored regions of a tile, and then draw all
of the black lines on top.
Note: For the tile designs with diagonal lines, you will
need to use fillPolygon(...).
- Your results from Parts 1 & 2.
- For Part 3 your complete final code and a screenshot of your design.
- If you did the extra credit, your code and a screenshot
of that.